Our e-gift card is a present wrapped with purpose.

Give the gift of vision and empower communities in need. What your e-gift card can buy:

✨ $50 for a prosthetic eye to someone who would otherwise be excluded from fundamental opportunities such as finding work in their community.
✨$90 for a cataract surgery to someone who cannot see due to lack of healthcare facilities in their village.
✨$150 towards a microscope which costs thousands of dollars and without which our Mobile Eye Clinic could not perform cataract surgeries.
✨ A custom amount to show your support for one of the many ways in which The John Fawcett Foundation, Bali helps those in need.

We’ve made this journey as smooth as a sleigh ride – just a few clicks, and you’re on your way to making a big impact.
Every gesture counts in this season of ‘sight giving’.

John Fawcett Foundation

Who We Are

The John Fawcett Foundation (JFF) is a humanitarian not-for-profit organisation that assists needy citizens of Indonesia, particularly in the field of sight restoration and blindness prevention. It offers its assistance to people in the lower socio-economic group free of charge and without religious, political or ethnic consideration.

John Fawcett began his humanitarian projects in Bali in 1989. These included the Cleft Lip and Palate Program and the Mobile Eye Clinic for Cataract Surgery. JFF was established as an Australian incorporated association in 2000, bringing these programs together in one organisation. In the same year, the Indonesian counterpart, Yayasan Kemanusiaan Indonesia (YKI) was established, later registered as The John Fawcett Foundation Indonesia (Yayasan John Fawcett Indonesia).

JFF is registered in Australia, Indonesia, the United Kingdom and USA.

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