Our volunteers are not paid.
It’s not because they are worthless,
but because they are priceless.

Your support can help us and
our volunteers to achieve more.
Our volunteers are not paid.
It’s not because they are worthless,
but because they are priceless.

Your support can help us and
our volunteers to achieve more.



JFF’s priority is to maintain the highest possible quality of treatment it can to all recipients of its assistance. Volunteer medical specialists from Australia and the United Kingdom travel to Bali at their own expense to pass on their skills and knowledge in cataract surgical techniques, theatre sterilisation and infection control protocols, as well as other ophthalmic specialities. The volunteers also conduct symposiums and teaching sessions coordinated through the universities in Indonesia.


Professor Bill Morgan
Ophthalmologist from Perth, Western Australia

Dr Jean-Louis DeSousa
Ophthalmologist from Perth, Western Australia

Ms Maureen Gilpin
Head of Theatre, Lions Eye Institute, Perth, Western Australia

Ms Johanna Du Plooy
Head of Infection Control, Lions Eye Institute, Perth, Western Australia

Fiona Berger
Retired Theatre Nurse, Perth, Western Australia

Norbert Hoegerl
Ophthalmic Medical Technician, Melbourne, Victoria


We acknowledge with thanks the following Indonesian medical personnel who worked with the JFF team in 2023.


dr Wayan Gde Dharyata, SpM (K)
DR dr WG Jaya Negara, SpM (K)
DR dr Ni Putu Yuliawati, SpM (K)
dr Ni Luh Diah Pantjawati, SpM (K)
dr Ni Made Suryanadi, SpM
dr Deasy Susicahyati, SpM
DR dr Ariesanti Tri Handayani, SpM
dr Gst Made Juliari, SpM (K)
Dr dr AA Mas Putrawati Triningrat, SpM
dr Made Agus Kusumadjaja, SpM (K)
dr Siska, SpM (K), M Kes
dr Ni Made Lienderiwati, M.Biomed, SpM
DR dr Ni Made Ayu Surasmiati, M.Biomed, SpM (K)
dr Cokorda Dewiyani Pemayun, SpM (K)
dr Ni Nyoman Triharpini, SpM
dr I Wayan Karya, SpM
dr I Putu Rustama Putra, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Nyoman Sekarsari, SpM
dr Luh Putu Eka Naryati, SpM
dr Dewa Gede Benny Raharja P, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Ni Nyoman Sunariasih, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Ayu Thea Primanita Mawan, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Ni Putu Dita Rinjani, SpM
dr I Gusti Ngurah Made Sugiana, SpM (K)
dr I Ketut Semara Budiyasa, SpM
dr Ni Made Indah Kencanawati, SpM
dr Cynthia Dewi M, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Nyoman Novita Rismawati, SpM
dr Ida Ayu Pertami Dewi, M.Biomed, SpM
dr I Gusti Putu Eka Suryawan W, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Ni Made Widya Mahayani, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Ni Nyoman Yenny Khritiwati, M.Biomed, SpM
dr Dian Megasafhitri, SpM
dr Komang Dian Lestari, SpM
dr Putu Mariati, SpM
dr Maria Vinsensia, SpM


dr Erwanda Fredy Purliawan, SpM
dr Bagas Baskoro, SpM
dr Iwan Dewanto, SpM
dr I Gusti Ngurah Gede Puspajaya, SpM
dr Miftakhur Rochmah, SpM
dr Fitria Romadiana, SpM (K)
dr Rina Wulandari, SpM
dr Irma Andriani Pasaribu, SpM
dr RR Danti Ayu Irawati, SpM
dr Dewi Sekar Tanjung, SpM
dr Kiajeng Winda Ningrum Prinasetya, SpM
dr Indra Ariesta Setiawan, SpM
dr Frisma Sagara Brilliyanto, SpM
dr Siswi Hapsari Wahyuningtyas, SpM
dr Raden Unu Heru Siswojo, SpM
dr Budi Surakhman, SpM
dr Asti Indriani, SpM
dr Joko Triono, SpM
dr H Aswin A Nugroho, SpM
dr Dina Wahyu Wibawati, SpM
dr Nikke Indriasari, SpM
dr Jamaluddin, SpM
dr Razzaqy, SpM
dr Bimantara, SpM
dr Yoyok, SpM
dr Ifan Romadhan Lukmana, SpM
dr Armanto Sidoutomo, SpM (K)
dr Ricky Rachmano Fitrawan, SpM. M.Ked.Klin
dr Tri Subekti, SpM. M.Ked.Klin
dr Neni Daniati SpM
dr. Tutuk Wibowo Chamidy, SpM
dr. Irma Selekta Vera, SpM
dr. Awang Wimbo, SpM


dr. Sri Subekti, SpM
dr. Iva Aryani, SpM
dr. Gunawan, SpM
dr. Endro Pranoto, SpM
dr Yadi Rakhmadi SpM


dr. Yulia Effendi, SpM


Our special thanks to other volunteers who generously give their time and expertise to the Foundation.

Gede Wirya Dana & Wayan Sudiarta
IT Consultants, Bali

Suriko Tirto
Website Designer, Bali

Viddi Danta Yante, SH
Legal Consultant, Bali

Ken Thomas
Paragon Consulting Auditor, Perth Western Australia

Roger Shaw
Independent Examiner, United Kingdom

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