Outcomes: 3,632 people with eye problems screened, 2,371 issued with glasses, 1,413 treated for eye infections, and 75 underwent cataract operations to restore their sight.
Thanks to our donors: Anita Summers, Irma & Nicholas Stolk, Peter Muhling, David Hults, Robert Monk, Mark Gold, Bowker family, Wearda Pringle, Roger & Vivien Brook, Tricia O’Connell & Jeff Webster, Kent Egerton-Warburton, Captain James Cook Foundation, Graham Bartley Smith, Dimattina Coffee, B1G1 Business for Good, Thomas Warden, Tom Atkinson, David Crook, Mark Eagleton, Robert Lee Rogen, Pierre St-Germain, Sarah Brown, Stephen & Heather Williams, Susan Falkiner, Desa Les Community Centre, John Manners, Suzanne Towns, Vickneswaran Kandiah.