Sponsor a Bali Mobile Eye Clinic is a JFF initiative bringing the Foundation’s humanitarian assistance to impoverished adults and children in Bali with a village eye screening, glasses and eye medicines, free surgery for those identified as blind with cataracts, and school eye screening.

Donors and supporters are always welcome to join the team in these programs.

Project Cost: AUD $2,500
*an additional $200 for team accommodation may be required, depending on the distance from JFF Headquarters

Two-day program includes:

  • Screening 300- 500 village people with eye problems
  • Providing glasses to around 325 people
  • Treating around 250 people with eye infections
  • Checking the eyes of students in one of the local primary schools and issuing glasses to those who need them
  • Restoring sight for up to 10 people who are cataract blind


Sponsor an Offshore Eye Program, a JFF initiative bringing the Foundation’s humanitarian assistance to impoverished adults and children on other Indonesian islands with a mass eye screening, glasses and eye medicines, free surgery for those identified as blind with cataracts, and school eye screening. Programs run over 4-5 days.

Donors and supporters are welcome to join the team in these programs with a group tour from Bali where the participants donate to cover the cost of the program – in full or in part. Tours can accommodate 20-25 people and can be for part of the program only – usually two days in the field plus travel days.

Program cost: approximately AUD $27,000*

*not including visitor transport, accommodation and food in the field.

Program cost covers:

  • Screening 1,500-2,500 village people with eye problems
  • Providing glasses to 1750-1,000 people who require vision correction
  • Treating 500+ people with eye infections
  • Restoring sight for 200-300 people who are needlessly blind
  • Making and fitting 10+ artificial eyes

For further information, contact jff@johnfawcett.org

For special requests off-Bali, please contact our office.
Adopt a Mobile Eye Clinic


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